UniquinPvP: Rediscovering the Nostalgic Charm of Original Factions

An Authentic Faction Experience

UniquinPvP is a 1.8.8 faction server that aims to revive the nostalgic experience from original factions. The server comes with some newer plugins to aid with rote tasks, such as Gen Buckets for base building. The goal is to provide an uncluttered experience that prioritizes the essence of factions, devoid of unnecessary plugins.

Server Features: Bringing the Best of Both Eras

Some features of this server include:

  • Custom Cannoning Jar
  • Custom enchants
  • Mcmmo
  • Mineable Spawners
  • Stackable Spawners
  • Auction House
  • Vote Rewards
  • Sell Wands
  • Versions from 1.8 to 1.19.4 supported
  • Referral System
  • Premium Anticheat
  • Wither Raiding restrictions
  • Trade System
  • Gen Buckets
  • Chunk Busters

This community is looking forward to welcoming new members!

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Uniquin PvP
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  • Latest Update7/27/2024
  • Created Date11/23/2023
  • Server Host
  • Websiteuniquin-pvp.com